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Dealing with the removal budget is one of the most important stages of the good preparation. It is essential for a few reasons: it will allow you to trace the cash flow, it will help you save and it will make the move much more organized. Knowing how much you can afford to spend in the very beginning is a must. Being frugal about your house move is not a crime – after all, every move is a big undertaking and there are plenty of costs which come up unexpectedly. You need to consider both the moving essentials and the extra fees.

Before Moving
1. Second Insurance: One of the disadvantages of moving companies is that even though they offer insurance, its rate is usually too low to be able to replace a broken or damaged item. Keep in mind that the insurance rate is not necessarily what you will receive if something gets lost or damaged. This makes most people seek second insurance and you need to think of that too. If you have plenty of valuables and breakables, it is best not to risk it.

2. The Current Residence: A house move gets even harder if you are in the process of selling your home. This means that there will be plenty of paperwork to deal it, issues to fix before you move and a thorough cleaning to do. If you don’t have time for these tasks, hire somebody and focus on the preparation of the removal. If you are moving from a rental house or your own house, a cleanup is a must. In order to receive your rental deposit you need to leave the house in its best condition. Consider these tasks when you prepare your moving budget and make sure you have time for them too.
During Moving

Most of your budget is for this stage of the move so it is best to know what you are paying for exactly.
1. The Company: Hiring a moving company to transport your belongings means that you need to get to the new home on your own. Think about this a couple of months before at least. If you need to fly, then book your tickets. If you are driving, check the route in advance. Think of fuel, accommodation on the road, snacks and drinks. Think about the transporting of your pets and any additional costs on the road. You need to arrive at the new location before the moving truck or you will be charged extra for making them wait for you. Estimate how long it will take you to get there.

2. Extra fees: Expect to pay extra for various things on the moving day: not enough space for the truck on the parking lot, a long distance between the truck and your house, the use of elevator or stairs and so on and so forth. The initial quote you get from the removals company is only an approximate one and it doesn’t include the additional charges, because at the time of making the quote the company isn’t aware of the conditions on the moving day. Be prepared to pay extra if you don’t take care of the above-mentioned issues.

Budgeting a house move is not an easy task, especially if you haven’t done it before but with a little information and help you can manage well enough.