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Making an international move is no small undertaking, and choosing a good international mover can be the difference between a relatively stress free experience or a problematic one. That said, there are some things that you need to be aware of when shipping goods internationally, as it is not simply a case of hiring a company and packing your goods off for a few hours travel. Below are some tips that will help you be prepared and informed when choosing an international moving company.

Prepare for the requirements of international moving

There are number of things to consider before even contacting potential moving companies when planning an international relocation. As your goods will be travelling through a number of borders, and most likely by sea, you will need to make sure you have applied for the appropriate documentation. Some areas to check are what international shipping taxes might apply, whether you will be charged by customs in the destination country and the extent of these charges, and what the required documents are for overseas shipping in general.

Choose the kind of company best suited to your needs

There are a lot of international moving companies, and many of them have different ways of operating and transporting your goods. For example, a container company will simply hire you a large shipping container (or smaller, depending on how much you need to move) which you then load and unload yourself. In this case, you are simply paying for the hire and transport of the container. Other companies may offer a more detailed service, such as packing and shipping, as well as storage options, so make sure you know what kind of service you need before getting any quotes.

Comparing quotes

If you have moved home before, then you may be familiar with this process already. Make sure to contact a number of companies (at least 3 or 4) and get quotes from them. Make sure you are clear about any special requirements any of your items might have, any schedule requirements and so on. Insurance is another factor to consider, and some companies may offer this as part of the overall cost. Generally, make sure you are clear on what you will be charged for, to prevent any hidden costs arising after the move is complete. If you are concerned about the companies’ credentials, you can check they are a Registered International Mover (RIM).

Budgeting and saving

When comparing quotes, it is often tempting to go for the cheapest option, but although this might initially seem like it will save you money, it could be a pitfall. If you choose a cheap company, you may end up not only getting stung by hidden charges but also find that the company is not as professional as other more established (and slightly more expensive) ones. This can cost you in damaged goods or potentially lost items. Sometimes, it is better to pay a bit more to a more expensive company simply for peace of mind. Either way, when budgeting for you international move and what you expect to pay for international movers, always try and keep a certain amount of funding free as an emergency backup fund. Even good companies quotes may run slightly over the estimate from time to time, so it pays to be prepared for any eventuality.